Welcome to MMIB

Securing a Brighter Future Through Education

MMIB is the flagship Master Programme in the Faculty of International Business and Economics (REI), Bucharest, Romania

(Yes, the cover photo is a real #MMIB seminar)

Questions about the admission, registration, billing or financial aid?

Did you know? Admission to MMIB follows the same procedure as the other master programs at Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The procedures are revised and published every year in December. 

Introduction to MMIB

„Only the educated are free”

Provided in Romanian since 2004, MMIB is available since 2013 in English in order to facilitate student mobility worldwide and to offer better competences for its graduates in an ever growing global business environment.

Partnering with PwC Romania and Edenred Romania, and supported by OMV Petrom, we provide our students a comprehensive business studying experience with national and international teachers and practitioners.

The only master programme in Romania affiliated with the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness from Harvard, teaching the course in Microeconomics of Competitiveness developed by Michael Porter.

Our Philosophy

The Vision of the Master Programme:

To increase the worldwide recognition of its students, graduates, and teachers, and

To enhance the respect for the national and international academic community by focusing on the quality of teaching, learning, and research and on the needs, expectations, and aspirations of students and teachers.


MMIB is designed to enhance proficiency in international business, ensuring our graduates are well-prepared to lead and innovate worldwide.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed and thrive in diverse global roles. 

We focus on developing the capabilities needed to create and manage profitable international businesses, offer expert consultancy to global enterprises, coordinate impactful NGO and public institution projects, and lead in diplomatic and consular mission management.

We achieve this through a blend of rigorous theoretical education and practical training, fostering interdisciplinary knowledge and real-world application. 

Agility for a dynamic complex world

Our goal is to equip students with the critical hard skills necessary for success in the global marketplace.

We, alongside our partners, cultivate expertise in decision-making within intercultural environments, orchestrating international company operations, and devising and executing global strategies for businesses, public institutions, and other organizations.

We aim to produce graduates who are not only knowledgeable but also innovative and adaptable, ready to tackle the challenges of an interconnected world.

A High Achieving Multicultural Community For Learning

With students and alumni from more than 15 countries worldwide, from Vietnam to Brazil, and from Nigeria to China, MMIB is a truly multicultural community. 

News & Articles

Happy Holidays 2024/2025

Wishing all our brilliant (future and current) global business leaders a wonderful holiday season! From late-night case studies to cross-cultural management theories to troubleshooting uncertainty in day-to-day life, we know

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MMIB by Number

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever

With diverse cohorts, we put together people in the first stages of their careers with middle managers, employees in multinationals corporations with public administration servants, start-up owners with bankers for synergistic knowledge building in a creative environment. Our students work in diverse fields, from innovation to finance, creative arts and IT.

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Erasmus outgoing yearly

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Enrolled students in both years

We enter to learn, leave to achieve

MMIB is the flagship Master Programme in the Faculty of International Business and Economics (REI), Bucharest, Romania.

Provided in Romanian since 2004, MMIB is available since 2013 in English in order to facilitate student mobility worldwide and to offer better competences for its graduates in an ever growing global business environment.

Contact info:


The Master Programme in International Business Management provides a number of 19 courses (plus 2 non-mandatory courses) during 4 semesters, to which it adds 240 hours of internship, to a total of 120 ECTS (http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/ects_en.htm), in order to facilitate student mobility within the European Union. Semester 1 lasts from October to January. Semester 2 lasts from February to June.


For the academic year 2024/2025 – the July heat of the admission process, there are a total of 75 places, as follows: 25 subsidized places for Romanian and other EU and SEE citizens, 18 fee-paying places for Romanian and other EU and SEE citizens. The rest of the places is for special cases (non-EU, minorities, etc.). For the number of places available for non-SEE students, please check with international@ase.ro.