We have received this note (in Romanian) on the procedure for the antiplagiarism check for the dissertation theses.
Key elements of the note are:
– The period for the official upload of the dissertation theses on the Student’s Personal Page is 29 May – 04 June 2017. (If you do not have access to your Page, please check with the Secretary of the Master Programme, Ms. Claudia Rotaru – 021 319 19 90)
If your thesis is not uploaded by June 4th, then you shall not be able to defend it this year.
– You may check your thesis beforehand. The cost for this no-consequences check is 25 lei. The deadline is 26 May 2017.
The procedure for this no-consequences check is as follows:
– you send a file containing the bulk of your thesis (without Contents, References and Appendices) to cercetare@ase.ro. This file has on the first page the following info: title, author, coordinator, email address where you would like to receive the answer.
– in the same email with the file, you attach the proof of payment (as photo or scan). You pay the 25 lei directly at the Casieria ASE (the Cash Desk of ASE) or via bank transfer to an account that is mentioned in the Note: RO 35 TREZ 70120 F 330500 XXXX . If you use the bank transfer, you need the CUI of the ASE: 443775.
– the subject of the email is “verificare antiplagiat” (which means “antiplagiarism check” in Romanian, but please use the Romanian version).
The check is also available if you cannot or do not want to email the thesis, if you bring the file (and the proof of payment) by May 26th to Room 2414 or 2415.