
Do you graduate in 2025?

See here the  Dissertation Topics for MMIB for 2025.

If you have the coordinator’s agreement, you can also propose other topics not on the list.

The deadline for submitting the request for a topic is 29 November 2024. 

The first step in enrolling to the dissertation / graduation exam for 2024 is the choice of the topic and the scientific coordinator.  This step is done until November, 29, 2024, both for the current graduating class and for the previous generations (regardless of whether they  have chosen the topics previously).

See the template of the request in the section on the right - Related Downloads

The request is filed in online by using this form.

The Second step is submitting your dissertation for the anti-plagiarism check. This is a compulsory step that takes place between 16-20 June 2025 on the student personal webpage.  Please check the details for the entire procedure here (link in Romanian).

During the following week, the anti-plagiarism procedure takes place and the verdict: PASSED or FAILED is issued by the coordinating professor. If you have passed, you can move on to Step 3.

The Third Step is also compulsory and takes place on 03 July 2025.

STUDENTS FROM THE CURRENT CLASS (current year and 2nd additional year), will send the following documents by e-mail:


    • decanat@rei.ase.ro, registration documents:
      1. request to register for the final dissertation exam - Dissertation defence request (Annex 1), dated and signed;
      2. GDPR declaration / statement (Annex 2), dated and signed;
      3. declaration regarding the authenticity of the documents sent by e-mail - Declaration of authenticity (Annex 3), dated and signed;
      4. declaration regarding the originality of the thesis - Declaration of Originality (Annex 4)dated and signed;
      5. graduation clearance form. The form must include the graduate’s personal data (top of the page), the date and signature (bottom of the page);
      6. copy of the identity card;
      7. copy of the receipt certifying payment of the dissertation exam fee (1000 RON) – ONLY for students in the 2nd additional year.


  • The subject of the e-mail: FAMILY NAME_FIRST NAME_MASTER’S PROGRAMME
  • The graduates are responsible to make sure that the thesis sent by e-mail as an attached file can be opened, is complete and is identical to the version of the document uploaded on the platform for the anti-plagiarism check.
  • The graduates of the current class of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies do not have to pay a dissertation exam fee.

STUDENTS FROM PREVIOUS CLASSES will send the following documents by e-mail:

    • decanat@rei.ase.ro, registration documents:
      1. request to register for the final dissertation exam (Annex 1), dated and signed;
      2. GDPR declaration (Annex 2), dated and signed;
      3. declaration regarding the authenticity of the documents sent by e-mail (Annex 3), dated and signed;
      4. declaration regarding the originality of the thesis (Annex 4), dated and signed;
      5. graduation clearance form – The form must include the graduate’s personal data (top of the page), the date and signature (bottom of the page);
      6. copy of the identity card;
      7. copy of the secondary school-leaving certificate/ baccalaureate diploma and transcript;
      8. copy of the Bachelor’s degree and diploma supplement;
      9. copy of the birth certificate;
      10. copy of the receipt certifying payment of the dissertation exam fee (1000 RON).
    • departamentrei@rei.ase.ro dissertation thesis saved as PDF file
  • The subject of the e-mail: FAMILY NAME_FIRST NAME_MASTER’S PROGRAMME
  • The graduates are responsible to make sure that the thesis sent by e-mail as an attached file can be opened, is complete and is identical to the version of the document uploaded on the platform for the anti-plagiarism check.

Other admin details

Please check that you have received a confirmation of receipt of documents (by the end of the registration period). Also, make sure that you send all documents requested, as incomplete files are not accepted.

The schedule for the dissertation defence shall be posted once the registration period is done and all documents are checked. However, we already know the dates, so save them in your agendas:

  • 9-11 July 2025 for the July session

(Most likely, the defence will be on July 10th, so stay tuned for the hourly schedule.)

According to the Regulation regarding Dissertation, the defense of the dissertation is conditioned by choosing the coordinator at least 6 months beforehand.

Also, have a look at our Dissertation Guide. It contains all the tiny details about the thesis and how to contact the coordinators.

Last, but definitely not least, download the thesis template here.


                            Good luck! 🍀🍀🍀

MMIB by Number

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever

With diverse cohorts, we put together people in the first stages of their careers with middle managers, employees in multinationals corporations with public administration servants, start-up owners with bankers for synergistic knowledge building in a creative environment. Our students work in diverse fields, from innovation to finance, creative arts and IT.

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Erasmus outgoing

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Enrolled students

We enter to learn, leave to achieve

MMIB is the flagship Master Programme in the Faculty of International Business and Economics (REI), Bucharest, Romania.

Provided in Romanian since 2004, MMIB is available since 2013 in English in order to facilitate student mobility worldwide and to offer better competences for its graduates in an ever growing global business environment.

Contact info:


The Master Programme in International Business Management provides a number of 19 courses (plus 2 non-mandatory courses) during 4 semesters, to which it adds 240 hours of internship, to a total of 120 ECTS (http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/ects_en.htm), in order to facilitate student mobility within the European Union. Semester 1 lasts from October to January. Semester 2 lasts from February to June.


For the academic year 2024/2025 – the July heat of the admission process, there are a total of 75 places, as follows: 25 subsidized places for Romanian and other EU and SEE citizens, 18 fee-paying places for Romanian and other EU and SEE citizens. The rest of the places is for special cases (non-EU, minorities, etc.). For the number of places available for non-SEE students, please check with international@ase.ro.